Home new Limak wins bid for Cairo airport renovation project

Limak wins bid for Cairo airport renovation project


The joint venture partaken by Turkish construction company Limak has offered the best price in the bid for renovation and passenger capacity enhancement project of the Cairo International Airport in Egypt, according to a press release.

The Limak partnered joint venture offered $387 million price for undertaking the projects.

Right after the new government took power in Egypt, the World Bank provided funding for the huge renovation project that includes doubling the passenger capacity and construction of additional facilities, as well as enlargement of the runways so that they could serve Airbus 380 airplanes.

The joint venture bid for the passenger capacity enhancement project for the 3rd Terminal of the Cairo International terminal. The bid was opened by Cairo Airport Company to increase the passenger capacity from 3.5 million to 7.5 million.

Limak Construction Superstructure General Manager Feyzi Genç said the company has undertaken very important projects in both abroad and at home for 35 years. “Limak Construction will once again have the opportunity to show its experience in airport construction to the whole world, “he said.