Home Travel Visiting Las Vegas

Visiting Las Vegas

las vegas airport taxi
las vegas airport taxi

If we asked a group of people to name the destinations they would like to visit, we are sure that most would include Las Vegas in their choices. Of course, it’s no accident. Nevada’s most populous city is notorious for the casinos, hotels and nightlife that are on almost every corner.

As a destination, it’s often intertwined with luxury, which is one reason why most people hesitate to travel there. So let’s see, how expensive is a trip to Vegas?

Transportation costs

The round-trip prices from Las Vegas airport are around 500 euros on average. Of course this depends on the season and the airline, so it can go up to 300 euros more.

The way you get around the city is equally important. You can choose a las vegas airport taxi, where an additional 20% of the price is given to the driver as a tip. The next option you have is to rent a car, which will cost at least $20 per day. Finally, the most economical option is the bus where an unlimited ride pass for a week costs $56.


Accommodation is undoubtedly one of the most expensive parameters to consider when planning a trip to Las Vegas. Very cheap motels – which offer no particular comfort or luxury – cost an average of $45 a night , while four- and five-star hotels range from $180.

Food and nightlife

As mentioned above, Las Vegas offers plenty of options in this category. Buffets are the best option since you can eat as much as you want. There are great options that are very affordable since they cost as little as $7 per person. If you prefer the a la carte restaurants, you will pay a little more. A dinner for two costs an average of $80.

As for your night out, you have so many options that you will definitely spend a little more.

Entry to a club will cost around $50 and drinks are just as expensive with beer being in the $10 range. The good news is that if you decide to spend the evening in a casino, you don’t have to pay anything except for the money you bet since unlike European casinos, entryis completely free.

So we can see that there are options. If we summarize all the low budget options we have mentioned so far, a trip to Las Vegas for 7 days will cost at least $1,000 (about 880 euros) per person, and that’s concluding that it will be very poor. Of course, that amount is not out of reach.

With a little good management and planning, it is certainly a possible destination for those who want to see it in person.