Home Airports Istanbul Airport is the leader in Europe

Istanbul Airport is the leader in Europe


Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uralo?lu evaluated the European Aviation Overview Report of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol).

Minister Uralolu stated the following in his statement;

Between June 17-23, our country ranked 6th among the countries with the highest traffic volume in Europe with an average of 3,894 daily flights from airports. Istanbul Airport was the busiest airport in Europe with an average of 1,520 daily flights. Turkish airspace ranked among the most efficient airspaces in Europe with a delay time of less than 0.5 minutes per flight.

Among the 25 global airports included in the report, Istanbul Airport ranked 7th worldwide with an average of 768 daily departures between June 17-23.

Antalya Airport ranked 8th in the same list with an average of 992 daily flights, ahead of Rome Fiumicino and Munich Airports. Comparing these data with the same period of 2019, Istanbul Airport recorded a 21 percent increase in the number of average daily flights, while Antalya Airport recorded a 12 percent increase. In addition, Turkish airspace has become one of the most efficient airspaces in Europe with a delay time of less than 0.5 minutes per flight. Thanks to our investments in transportation, we have made great strides towards becoming a country that has a voice in Europe and the world.

source: istanbul airport news